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Gravity expeditions at sea 1934-1939. Vol. III. The expeditions, the computations and the results

GS 5, F.A. Vening-Meinesz, Gravity expeditions at sea 1934-1939. Vol. III. The expeditions, the computations and the resultsHr.Ms. K 18 verlaat de haven van Den Helder, 14 november 1934Hr.Ms. K 18 wordt verwelkomd door schepen van de Koninklijke Marine, Soerabaya, 11 juli 1935

F.A. Vening-Meinesz

Nederlandse Commissie voor Geodesie 5, Delft, 1941. 97 pagina's.
ISBN-13: 978 90 6132 007 4. ISBN-10: 90 6132 007 0.


This publication contains a report of the gravity at sea expeditions of the Netherlands Geodetic Commission in the years 1934 to 1939. It gives an account of the expeditions, the observations, the computation of the results and of their mean errors; the last table lists the gravity reduced to sea-level found at the 388 stations that have been occupied during these trips, thirty of which have been observed on land by means of a Holweck-Lejay apparatus. A following publication, Vol IV, will contain the isostatic reduction according to different methods of the gravity results of these and former expeditions at sea: it will include maps giving the location of the stations dealt with in this report and it will investigate different possibilities of interpreting the results.

The first chapter of this report gives a historical summary of the expeditions, the second deals with the expedition of Hr. Ms. K 18 from Holland to Java via Buenos Ayres, Cape Town and Fremantle in W. Australia, the third chapter with the expedition of Hr.Ms. 0 16 from Holland to Washington and back to Lisbon, the fourth chapter with the expedition of Hr. Ms. 0 12 from Curao to Holland, the expedition of Hr. Ms. 0 13 to the end of the Channel and the observations made on board of Hr. Ms. 0 19 in the North Sea, and the fifth and last chapter with a description of the tables I and II at the end of the report. Table I contains data and figures regarding the observations, the computations and their mean errors. Table I1 gives the positions of the stations, the sea-depths, the gravity results, their mean errors and the lengths of the waves encountered during submerging.


  • Summary 7
  1. Historical Summary of the Gravity Expeditions at Sea in the period 1933 - 1940  9
  2. Voyage of Hr.Ms.K 18 from Holland to Java via Cape Town and W. Australia, November 14, 1934 - July 11, 1935, Observations, Computations and Results  22
  3. Voyage of H.Ms.0 16 from Holland to Washington and back to Lisbon, January 11 - March 12, 1937, Observations, Computations and Results  38
  4. Voyages of Hr.Ms. 0 12 from Curaçao to Holland, November 23 -- December 24, 1937, Hr.Ms. 0 13 to the end of the Channel, May 3 -- May 10, 1938, Hr.Ms. 0 19 in the North Sea, July 10 -13, 1939, Observations, Computations and Results  44
  5. The Tables  49
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