Commissions take care of a specific part of the area of activity of the NCG. A commission is set up for a longer period and is able to initiate and to supervise research projects. It is the intention that the interdisciplinary relations, grouped around the fields of attention of geodesy, will take shape in the commissions.
The NCG now has six commissions:
The Commission Geovizualisation is focused on monitoring, stimulating and realising of new visualisation trends, wich can be applied in the GEO-world; studying and...
The Commission wants to advance the geo-information infrastructure by stimulating the knowledge and the research of the stakeholders. The Commission is working on drawing up her goals and tasks. The Commission proceeds from the Commission Geo-Information Models.
The Commission Marine Geodesy is an organ with members working in different areas of Marine Geodesy. The Commission gives direction to fundamental and strategic research, provides for international contacts and...
The Subcommission Land Subsidence and Sea Level Change is an interdisciplinary organ. The mission of the Subcommission, deduced from the tasks of the Netherlands Geodetic Commission, are...