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The NCG (Netherlands Geodetic Commission) co-ordinates and initiates fundamental and strategic research in geodesy and geo-information in the Netherlands. The NCG advises on general policy issues related to geodesy and geo-information, stimulates the spread knowledge in these fields and co-ordinates the geodetic infrastructure of the Netherlands.

The NCG consists of the Commission, subcommissions, the Board and the Office. The Office is located in Delft.

To promote and to make visible geodetic research in the Netherlands the NCG in 1998 has founded the Prof. J.M. Tienstra Research Prize. The prize is awarded to them who have carried out very useful geodetic research in the Netherlands or to Dutchmen who have done so abroad. The research may be referring to the whole geodetic field and related fields as represented in...

The Netherlands Geodetic Commission is the platform of responsible persons on strategic and policy level of the NCG.

The NCG is going to respect the privacy of all persons whose personal data are processed and
does so in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG).

The NCG was until 1-1-2014 an institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). Since 1-1-2014 the Netherlands Geodetic Commission is a foundation called "Netherlands Center for Geodesy and Geo-Informatics" (NCG).
The NCG consists of the Commissions, the Board, a Platform of Geobusiness, universities and government institutions, and the Office. About 60 people from universities, institutes, governmental departments and companies are involved with the work of the NCG. The Office of the NCG, located in Amersfoort, supports this work.

The NCG is the adhering body for the Netherlands of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG). In the IUGG international organisations of the disciplines geophysics, geodesy, geomagnetism, aeronomy, hydrology, meteorology, atmospheric sciences, physical sciences of the oceans, seismology and volcanology are...

What is it about?

The Netherlands Centre for Geodesy and Geo-Information (NCG) launches a new initiative to stimulate the development of young talent in the field of geo. This is the NCG Talent Program. This program will provide financial contributions to activities – in the broadest sense of the word – which promote the understanding of geodesy and geo-information and its social application. Examples include project education in high school, higher vocational education or university, and study days, workshops and seminars of young researchers affiliated to a university or research institute.

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