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Commissions - Core Spatial Data

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Prof.Dr.Ir. M.G. Vosselman, F.H. Schröder, Drs. R. van Essen, Ir. L. Heres, Ir.Drs. A.J. Klijnjan, Ir. R.J.G.A. Kroon, Dr. J.E. Stoter, Prof.Dr.Ir. P.J.M. van Oosterom, Ir. R.P.E. van Rossem


In 2007 the Netherlands Geodetic Commission (NCG) installed the Subcommission Spatial Core Data to discuss, co-ordinate and initiate research in the field of acquisition, representation and usage of the spatial core data. This document describes the areas in which the Subcommission wants to be active and identifies the open research questions.


The Subcommission Spatial Core Data of the Netherlands Geodetic Commission was installed in 2007 to discuss, co-ordinate and initiate research in the field of acquisition, representation and usage of the spatial core data.

Currently, eight scientists and experts from universities, government agencies and companies cooperate in this Subcommission. The members are: Drs. R. van Essen (Tele Atlas), Ir. L. Heres (RWS-DID), Drs.Ir. A.J. Klijnjan (Dutch Land Registry Office (Kadaster)), Ir. R.G.A. Kroon (Ingenieursbureau Geodelta B.V.), Prof.Dr.Ir. P.J.M. van Oosterom (TU Delft), Ir. R.P.E. van Rossem (Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment), Dr. J.E. Stoter (TU Delft), and Prof.Dr.Ir. M.G. Vosselman (chairman, ITC).

The field of research of the Subcommission is sketched in this document and elaborated in ten themes. The themes can roughly be divided into two categories: research on interpreted core data (most often vector data) and research on raw or uninterpreted data as acquired by various kinds of sensors.

Theme 1. User Requirements

Research on raw core data
Theme 2. Raw Data as Core Data
Theme 3. Massive Data Management
Theme 4. Interpretation of Raw Data

Research on interpreted core data
Theme 5. Harmonisation of Concepts and Data Models
Theme 6. Integration of Interpreted Data
Theme 7. Multi-scale Issues
Theme 8. Time and History
Theme 9. 3D Geo-information
Theme 10. Shared Mapping

These themes are mutually related. Their relationships are illustrated in the diagram below, around the notions of Data Model, Interpreted Data and Raw Data.

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