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woensdag, 26 oktober 2016 16:48

NCG Symposium 2016 Programma

Date:  30 november 2016
Time: 09:30 - 17:30
Location: University of Twente, Faculty ITC, Hengelosestraat 99, 7514 AE Enschede
Registration: required: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.

Hierbij het programma en de bijlagen van het NCG symposium op 30 november 2016 bij het ITC, Universiteit Twente, Hengelosestraat 99 in Enschede.
Zeer waarschijnlijk wordt aan het programma ook nog een vierde track toegevoegd die ingevuld wordt door de TU Delft. Zodra dat onderdeel bekend is zal dat op de website geplaatst worden.

De aanmelding is per 29 november 13.30 uur gesloten.

Programme NCG Symposium 2016

09:30 Registration, coffee & tea      

Session 1




Arnold Bregt, chairman NCG, WUR


Introduction of Baarda lecturer Prof. Berhard Heck

Ramon Hanssen, TUD


Baarda lecture: Monitoring the Changing Earth - From Observations to Modelling

Bernhard Heck, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology



George Vosselman, UT


Session 2: Crowd sourcing


Session 3: Feature extraction

Room 3-008

Session 4: Scene understanding

Room 4-004

Session 5: A dynamic Earth

Room 3-004
  Chairs: Frank Ostermann, UT

Chair: Sander Oude Elberink, UT Chair: Peter van Oosterom, TUD Chair: Roland Klees, TUD


Using a 3D serious game to involve citizens in renewable energy transition management

Sanne Hettinga, VU

Finding and fitting wall planes in airborne point cloud data

Jochem Lesparre, TUD

Integrating UAV point clouds and imagery: an application for informal settlement mapping

Caroline Gevaert, Claudio Persello, Richard Sliuzas, George Vosselman, UT

Global Isostatic Adjustment in Fennoscandia and northern Europe

Karen Simon and Riccardo Riva, TUD




Crowdsourcing in National Names Authority: OSM Data and Topographic Map Data

Aji Putra Perdana, UT

Solving mobile mapping positioning issues in urban canyons

Phillipp Jende, UT

Automatic interpretation of pole-like street furniture

Fashuai Li, UT

Atmospheric mapping with SAR interferometry

Gert Mulder; Freek J. van Leijen, Freek and Ramon F. Hanssen, TUD


Community based tropical forest monitoring using emerging technologies

Arun Pratihast, WUR

Automatic Feature Extraction from Mobile Laser Scanning Data and Aerial Imagery

Zill Hussnain, UT

Deep learning for semantic scene understanding

Michael Yang, UT

Global water re-distribution with satellite gravimetry and other remote sensing techniques

Pavel Ditmar, et al., TUD






Session 6



Presentation of the Tienstra award to Martijn Meijers

Menno Tienstra


Vario scale geo-information can be made to work

Martijn Meijers, TUD


Session 7: Data representation


Session 8: Monitoring

Room 3-008

Session 9: Indoor point clouds

Room 4-004

Session 10: Land and Sea Levels

Room 3-004

  Chair: Hugo Ledoux, TUD Chair: Martin Herold, WUR Chair: Sisi Zlatanova, TUD Chair: Sandra Verhagen, TUD


How to efficiently store and disseminate massive terrains?

Kavisha Kumar, TUD

Thermal remote sensing for soil salinity assessment

Konstantin Ivushkin, WUR


Permanent indoor structure detection in cluttered point clouds from indoor mobile laser scanners

Shayan Nikoohemat, UT

Explaining observed sea level trends and variability in the North Sea

Thomas Frederikse, TUD


Smart database and transmission techniques for fast rendering of large 3D datasets in web clients

Marian de Vries, TUD

High-resolution remote sensing image classification using collaborative representation with a locally adaptive dictionary

Mingxue Zheng, TUD

Semantic enrichment of a point cloud based on an octree for multi-storey path-finding

Florian Fichtner, TUD

Risk-based hydrographic surveying

Reenu Toodesh and Sandra Verhagen, TUD


Spatial data in NoSQL databases

Wilco Quak, Peter van Oosterom, Martijn Meijers, Irene de Vreede, Oscar Martinez Rubi, TUD

Terrestrial LiDAR and 3D Reconstruction Models for Large Individual Tree Biomass Estimation in Tropics

Alvaro Lau, Martin Herold, Harm Bartholomeus, Jose Gonzalez de Tanago, WUR

Structural health monitoring on a geospatial scale using BIM and point clouds

Thomas Krijnen, Jakob Beetz, TUE

Height system connection between island and mainland using a hydrodynamic model

Cornelis Slobbe, Roland Klees, Martin Verlaan, Firmijn Zijl and Hassan Hashemi Farahani, TUD



Peter van Oosterom, TUD

Comparison of snow cover products from PROBA-V, Landsat and MODIS on big data platforms

Stef Lhermitte, TUD

Point clouds for indoor modelling and obstacle detection: towards real indoor navigation

Lucia Díaz-Vilariño, TUD

Vertical datum connection at tide gauges: connecting InSAR

Ramon Hanssen, Freek van Leijen, Hans van der Marel and Karsh Patel, TUD




Tea break




Session 11: 3D modelling


Session 12: Big geo-data

Room 3-008

Session 13: Indoor navigation

Room 4-004

Session 14: Positioning, stability and deformation

Room 3-004


Chair: Jantien Stoter
Chair: Roderick Lindenbergh, TUD Chair: Michael Peter, UT Chair: Ben Gorte, TUD




A global perspective on 3D cadastral development

Mila Koeva, Rohan Bennett, Jaap Zevenbergen, UT

On route to big(geo)data: a socio-technical trajectory of GIS and the questions it poses

Christine Richter, UT

The effect of A* path-finding characteristics on the path length and performance in an octree representation of an indoor point cloud

Olivier Rodenberg, TUD

GNSS and applications: Cheaper, Faster, More and Better

Sandra Verhagen, TUD


Automatic valid LOD2 building models from aerial point clouds with the 3D Medial Axis Transform

Ravi Peters, TUD

Distributed processing of Dutch AHN laser altimetry changes in the built-up area

Máté Cserép, Roderik Lindenbergh, TUD

Extraction of free space for 3D indoor navigation on BIM models

Abdoulaye Diakite, TUD

Automatic railway monitoring using satellite radar

Ling Chang, Rolf Dollevoet, Ramon Hanssen, TUD


Challenges for updating 3D cadastral objects using LIDAR and image-based point clouds

Mila Koeva, Sander Oude Elberink, UT

Dense Matching Quality Evaluation - Towards Updating National Point Clouds

Zhenchao Zhang, UT

Accuracy Evaluation methods for Pedestrian Localization in Indoor Space

Jinjin Yan, TUD

Uniformization of geodetic data for deformation analysis

Freek van Leijen, Sami Samiei-Esfahany, Hans Van der Marel, Ramon Hanssen, TUD


A voxel-based approach to automatically repair CityGML LOD2 buildings

Damien Mulder, Hugo Ledoux, Jantien Stoter, TUD

Using a Space Filling Curve for the management of dynamic point cloud data in a Relational DBMS

Styliani Psomadaki, TUD (Vervalt wegens ziekte)

Point clouds for indoor modelling and obstacle detection: towards real indoor navigation

Sisi Zlatanova, TUD

Expert elicitation to improve mathematical models

Luciana Toyoda and Ramon Hanssen, TUD






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